Do lips lie?
My girlfriend and I were enjoying some genius, mixed cocktails the other night at Lillie's in Union Square when she told me that she had to change her entire beauty routine since landing her dream job at a prominent architectural firm in NYC. Apparently unaware that employment affects your morning face-time in the mirror, I asked her what she meant. She then went on to say that she had to toss all of the usual shades of berries, corals and pinks she coated her lips with because it isn't "proper" to draw attention to your lips in the work place. I was totally stunned by her compliance with such a "rule" that seemed, to me, so outdated and quasi-sexist. My friend was never one to look overdone- she always kept her eye makeup natural, maybe just a swab of mascara, and always looked classically chic with her subtly painted pout. To me, this notion of having to downplay a feminine asset that is otherwise tastefully accented seems totally bogus. Your thoughts? Is it okay to wear lipstick in the office or does it "force" men to view women as something other than a colleague?
I disagree, I think if if makes a woman feel good, then why not? It should not stop her because of office assumptions( if its the correct word to use) .Btw Kiki hope all is well, dropping by to say hello.